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Version: 2.33.4


Reqable provides a simple authorization and supports 3 modes: Basic Auth, Bearer Token and Api Key.

Basic Auth

For details and specifications of Basic Auth, please refer to the RFC document, without much explanation. The usage is very simple, just select Basic Auth in the authorization and fill in the username and password.

Reqable will automatically generate Authorization in the built-in request header.

Bearer Token

For details and specifications of Bearer Token, please refer to the RFC document, without much explanation. The usage is very simple, just select Bearer Token in the authorization and fill in the token.

Reqable will automatically generate Authorization in the built-in request header.

Api Key

Api Key supports passing in request headers and query parameters.

Passed in request headers:

passed in rquery parameters:

Digest Auth

For details and specifications about Digest Auth, please refer to the RFC document. Digest Auth has many parameters, but the most basic ones only require the username and password.

Reqable will automatically generate other parameters based on the authentication requirements. Of course, users can also expand the options to customize these parameters.