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Version: 2.19.0


v2.19.0 2024-06-26

  • 🚀 [NEW] The home page + right click can automatically create API from cURL/URL on pasteboard.
  • 💪 [OPT] The traffic export provides more options.
  • 💪 [OPT] The image preview displays information such as format, size and size.
  • 💪 [OPT] The pasteboard url will display on the top of the url drop-down list.
  • 💪 [OPT] The API collection import dialog displays cURL icon.
  • 💪 [OPT] The request and response tabs will auto-collapsed when the space is not enougth.
  • 💪 [OPT] When only one comparison item is selected in diff tool, its content will also be displayed.
  • 💪 [OPT] Logic of restoring system network proxy settings.
  • 🐞 [FIX] When more than 2 requests are selected to add to diff pool, only 2 are successfully added.

v2.18.1 2024-06-17

  • 💪 [OPT] Cookie view allows cookies to be displayed in a merged or split.
  • 💪 [OPT] Traffic list allows cURLs for multiple requests to be copied at once.
  • 💪 [OPT] Traffic list allows multiple API requests to be created at once.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that ALPN is displayed incorrectly.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that some empty tips are displayed incorrectly.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that using IP by SOCKS proxy are automatically bypassed by SSL proxying.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that restarting MITM proxy server may fail.

v2.18.0 2024-06-11

  • 🚀 [NEW] WebSocket frames support search and filtering.
  • 🚀 [NEW] SSL proxy and secondary proxy lists support search and sorting.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Added three options to right-click menu of tab, Force Close, Force Close Others, and Force Close All.
  • 🚀 [NEW] SSL certificates support dragging and dropping files for import.
  • 💪 [OPT] Improve the prompt text for errors of certificate import and export.
  • 💪 [OPT] The = in the API request URL is no longer automatically encoded.
  • 💪 [OPT] Improve the Android certificate installation guide.
  • 💪 [OPT] Logic of the Close Others option in the right-click menu of the tab.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that single quotes are not escaped when importing and exporting cURL.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the SSL certificate enable/disable status cannot be saved.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the SSL certificate domain name modification cannot be saved.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that mobile HTTP requests are unable to match scripting, rewrite and breakpoint rules.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that the selected item may change after reordering the SSL proxying and secondary proxy lists.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that the Close option in the right-click menu of the home page tab is not available.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that the URL request query parameter encoding and decoding behavior changes due to the mounting script.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that the p12 file path has monospaced character encoding, which prompts that the password is incorrect.

v2.17.0 2024-06-05

  • 🚀 [NEW] Support SSL Proxying.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Add a search icon in Raw tab.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Folder level management for Gateway, Mirror, Rewrite, Breakpoint, Script and Reverse Proxy.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Drag and drop file to import config files.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Search feature for Gateway, Mirror, Rewrite, Breakpoint, Script and Reverse Proxy.
  • 💪 [OPT] Remove SSL Bypass and merge it into the SSL Proxying.
  • 💪 [OPT] Provide more export solutions for capture traffic.
  • 💪 [OPT] Automatically remember word wrap status.
  • 💪 [OPT] A new Tools app menu group.
  • 💪 [OPT] A new UI style of the secondary proxy list.
  • 💪 [OPT] The prompt style when dragging and dropping files on the home page.
  • 💪 [OPT] The diff view will display a prompt text when no item is selected.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that the API request Cookie path is forcibly converted to lowercase.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that the SOCKS proxy does not display the host if hits SSL bypass.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the application in the explorer is not displayed on top after being pinned.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that failed to open some multiple windows.

v2.16.1 2024-05-20

  • 💪 [OPT] HTTP2 disables server push by default.

v2.16.0 2024-05-17

  • 🚀 [NEW] WebSocket supports list display mode.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Request parameter supports whether to omit = for empty value.
  • 💪 [OPT] Creating API requests from the traffic list no longer checks non-ASCII characters.
  • 💪 [OPT] The default display of WebSocket is changed from chat mode to list mode.
  • 💪 [OPT] WebSocket chat mode performance.
  • 💪 [OPT] Reset md5 result when input was changed.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug where WebSocket filtering does not reset type and code filters.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that tooltip does not disappear automatically.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that some column widths will be automatically restored after some operations.

v2.15.1 2024-05-13

  • 💪 [OPT] Prompted to turn off SSL certificate verification when a certificate error occurs.
  • 💪 [OPT] The count of sub-files is displayed after the API collection name.
  • 💪 [OPT] API collection supports expanding/collapsing all subfolders.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of HTTP proxy request failure in some cases.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of losing request headers when importing Reqable collection.

v2.15.0 2024-05-09

  • 🚀 [NEW] Supports configuring custom SSL certificates.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Supports previewing SSL certificate details in capture overview.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Supports creating REST API from redirected URLs.
  • 💪 [OPT] Certificate info will display more details.
  • 💪 [OPT] Adjust the UI details of redirect Tab.
  • 💪 [OPT] The copy button of Cookie View will copy the full cookie string instead of the key-value pair.
  • 💪 [OPT] Rework script template context menu options.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where Content-Type may be lost when copying cURL from traffic list.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the content of the client certificate in the overview is incorrect.

v2.14.1 2024-04-30

  • 🚀 [NEW] Add app info APIs in python scripting framework.
  • 💪 [OPT] Traffic analysis supports abnormal requests with Content-Length.
  • 💪 [OPT] The file name of request and response body.
  • 💪 [OPT] API testing no longer verifies the validity of response headers.
  • 💪 [OPT] A new icon will use after the secondary proxy is enabled.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the secondary proxy connection may fail.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of API testing settings being reset after restarting the application.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where some files were not cleaned after deleting the API testing history.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that parsing API testing query input incorrectly.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that traffic history search not works.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that REST script will lost when importing Reqable's API collection.

v2.14.0 2024-04-29

  • 🚀 [NEW] Add app info APIs in python scripting framework.
  • 💪 [OPT] Traffic analysis supports abnormal requests with Content-Length.
  • 💪 [OPT] The file name of request and response body.
  • 💪 [OPT] API testing no longer verifies the validity of response headers.
  • 💪 [OPT] A new icon will use after the secondary proxy is enabled.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the secondary proxy connection may fail.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of API testing settings being reset after restarting the application.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where some files were not cleaned after deleting the API testing history.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that traffic history search not works.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that REST script will lost when importing Reqable's API collection.

v2.13.0 2024-04-24

  • 🚀 [NEW] API testing supports setting whether to verify SSL certificate.
  • 🚀 [NEW] API testing response displays redirect URLs.
  • 🚀 [NEW] You can drag to sort environments.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Add a quick icon to open the log directory.
  • 💪 [OPT] Clear cache in settings will only clear temporary data and not include user data.
  • 💪 [OPT] API testing history will save script console outputs.
  • 💪 [OPT] The editor still maintains focus after pressing the save shortcut key.
  • 💪 [OPT] Enlarge the click effective area of the sidebar Tab.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the redirected request will fail due to incorrect Host header value.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that OPTIONS request status is incorrect.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the secondary proxy can not be copied to create a new one.
  • 🐞 [FIX] Incorrect logic of Close Other Tabs.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug where the selected text will lost after right-clicking in the script editor.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the editor cannot automatically get focus when dragging to select content for the first time.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of new prompt words (such as finally) appearing again after selecting a prompt word (such as final) in the scripting editor.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug in which the collection folder automatically collapsed or fails to automatically expand after the API is saved to the collection.

v2.12.1 2024-04-19

  • 💪 [OPT] The focus of the input field is still maintained after selecting auto-complete content in table mode.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of API request global setting not taking effect in some cases.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the API request domain name cannot be associated with cookies when using environment variables.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that = and & in API request query entry are not automatically encoded.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that some exceptions caused by automatic decoding of API query when created from the traffic list.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the table mode input autocomplte list will be display incomplete near the bottom of the application.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that may cause crash when importing p12 certificate.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that dragging selection in the editor cannot automatically request focus.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where directly importing cURL into the API request input box would cause the app to freeze.
  • 🐞 [FIX] Fix the bug where the app information cannot be dumped in some cases.
  • 🐞 [FIX] Fix the bug where some chinese fonts are displayed abnormally.

v2.12.0 2024-04-13

  • 🚀 [NEW] Automatic generate a magisk module to install CA certificate.
  • 🚀 [NEW] API collection supports importing from cURL.
  • 🚀 [NEW] The number of community rewrites limitation is adjusted from 2 to 3.
  • 🚀 [NEW] The number of community breakppints limitation is adjusted from 2 to 3.
  • 🚀 [NEW] The number of community scripts limitation is adjusted from 2 to 3.
  • 🚀 [NEW] The number of community mirrors limitation is adjusted from 2 to 3.
  • 🚀 [NEW] The number of community reverse proxy limitation is adjusted from 2 to 3.
  • 💪 [OPT] Prompt whether to clear license information when unregistering license.
  • 💪 [OPT] Automatically delete configuration backup files older than 14 days.
  • 💪 [OPT] Refactor the Android certificate installation guide.
  • 🐞 [FIX] Fix the bug where some limitation of the community do not take effect.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of window size calculation not considering the taskbar size.

v2.11.1 2024-04-09

  • 🚀 [NEW] Remove the restriction of API collections for Community Edition.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Drag and drop for API collections.
  • 💪 [OPT] Remove the restriction that the depth of API collections is up to 4.
  • 💪 [OPT] Display text first if application/octet-stream is a text.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the window size and content rendering area are incorrect under multiple monitors.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that double-clicking the application icon or opening a HAR file will reset the maximized state of the window.

v2.10.2 2024-04-02

  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the editor and text display empty.

v2.10.1 2024-04-02

  • 💪 [OPT] Query parameter parsing automatically identifies gbk encoding.
  • 💪 [OPT] Disable the custom tab settings in detected window.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the environment variable <<url>> is not highlighted.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of abnormal chunked decoding in some cases.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that exporting HAR throws the format error.

v2.10.0 2024-03-29

  • 🚀 [NEW] Support writing environment variables from Python scripts.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Environment variables can be created from the context menu after selecting text.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Support opening all APIs in the collection at one time.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Increase the available number of API collections for Community Edition users from 2 to 3.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Increase the available number of Environments for Community Edition users from 2 to 3.
  • 💪 [OPT] Improved page effects for new users when opening the app for the first time.
  • 💪 [OPT] The focus is still maintained after pressing the Enter key to send an API request.
  • 💪 [OPT] Some context menu options will be displayed as unavailable when the selected data is invalid.
  • 💪 [OPT] Some input fields support the Enter key to complete input.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where duplicate encoding of request parameters in code generation.
  • 🐞 [FIX] Corrected the logic for saving form requests in API testing.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where there was an exception in parsing text for API request parameters.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where parameters and headers starting with _ were not highlighted.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where environment name is empty.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where illegal values in Set-Cookie were not displayed correctly.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of incorrect HEX export data.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where input content was lost in certain scenarios in the text editor.

v2.9.0 2024-03-22

  • 🚀 [NEW] Introduce environment variables.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Now can rename the API request.
  • 💪 [OPT] Generate Python-Requests code using query parameters instead of long url.
  • 💪 [OPT] API testing supports pressing the Enter key to send directly.
  • 💪 [OPT] The QR code of the certificate link is changed from click display to mouse pointer hover display.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that API can not use Python script to process form data.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that API space will encodes to %20 rather than +.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that it will prompt to save when closing the API test tab.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that correctly to handle --data-raw when importing a cURL.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the python environment cannot take effect.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that app menu group position is incorrect after the window is zoomed.

v2.8.2 2024-03-06

  • 💪 [OPT] Coloring request methods.
  • 💪 [OPT] File drag and drop will be disabled when a dialog is showing.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of importing ApiFox collection failed in some cases.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug where the response raw message is incorrect.
  • 🐞 [FIX] Incorrect highlighting of query parameters and cookies.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug where startedDateTime of the exported HAR format is incorrect.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the request path is incorrect in python scripts.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that Active Code Page will cause the python environment detection to fail.

v2.8.0 2024-02-29

  • 🚀 [NEW] Available API tabs of community version are increased from 2 to 4.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Adds three new tabs, Cookies, Set-Cookies and Comment.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Now you can comment a traffic record.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Custom request and response tabs.
  • 💪 [OPT] Supports recovery of the damaged SharedPreferences file.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The cookie automatic update mechanism causes a bug that requires saving when closing a API Tab.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of incorrect parsing of the '--data-urlencode' parameter when importing a cURL.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug in which the content displayed in the Tab title is truncated.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug where wss in HAR file is recognized as ws.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the application cannot exit normally when right-clicking on the taskbar to close the window.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where an error dialog appears when the os is shutdown and the system network proxy cannot be automatically reset.

v2.7.1 2024-02-22

  • 💪 [OPT] HEX will be displayed first when the image data decoding fails.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of incorrect encoding and decoding of URL query parameters.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug in parsing HAR files does not correctly handle the MIME type.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of secondary proxy account authentication not works.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that data displayed after modifying Content-Type through script does not take effect.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where the white window flashes obviously when the app starts.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the sub window may be reset to the default size when maximized.

v2.7.0 2024-02-20

  • 🚀 [NEW] Supports to adjust app display scaling.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Will restore the previous window position and size when restarting.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Supports deleting API request history URLs.
  • 💪 [OPT] No longer automatically checked the rewrite-replace checkbox.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the unmodified API will prompt to save when closing.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that closing other tabs will close all tabs.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of incorrect encoding of space and = in request query parameters.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the original response data may not be brought in when creating a rewrite-replacement response rule.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that URL rules may not match in rewrite, breakpoint and scripting rules.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the encoding of API scripting console is not utf-8.

v2.6.3 2024-02-07

  • 💪 [OPT] Runtime error of API testing scripts will output to the console.
  • 💪 [OPT] The auto-complete list of text input field supports up and down key selection.
  • 🐞 [FIX] Some prompts of Python scripting api are incorrect.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that response body is not automatically decoded when scripting is enabled.

v2.6.2 2024-02-04

  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where some webSocket requests are not recognized.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug in the API request script caused the request path to be incorrectly encoded.

v2.6.1 2024-01-31

  • 🚀 [NEW] Code editor supports code auto-completion.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Console tab for traffic details.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Console tab for API testing response.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Supports win7 OS.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that text syntax highlighting may be incorrect.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that missing / at the end of URL.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that HexViewer will get focus by default.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that IP was displayed rather than host.

v2.5.0 2024-01-25

  • 🚀 [NEW] Introduce scripting for API testing.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Introduce script templates.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Fork templates from public script repositories.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Introduce zen mode.
  • 💪 [OPT] New console for script editor.
  • 💪 [OPT] Remember highlight and application informations when saving HAR files.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The secondary proxy may cause an infinite loop of requests.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that unable to capture HTTP2 plaintext traffic.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that handling HTTP trailer incorrectly.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of failing to handle WebSocket compression extension correctly.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that text selection is incorrect after double-clicking a word.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the editor composing menu does not follow the input position.

v2.4.1 2024-01-16

  • 💪 [OPT] Use form body when creating API requests from the form request cURL.
  • 💪 [OPT] Remove the application ID option from the default column of the traffic list.
  • 💪 [OPT] Tabs on the home page can be directly dragged and sorted without long pressing.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of duplicate cookie values in the code snippet.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that unable to decode deflate data.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that may trigger content selection when scrolling the editor.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that unable to copy cURL of the WebSocket request.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of failing to handle WebSocket compression extension correctly.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that cannot create form request or copy cURL from traffic list.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug where the tab title on the home page may be displayed incompletely.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that cannot resize traffic list column width.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the application window cannot be restored by tapping the tray icon.

v2.4.0 2024-01-12

  • 🚀 [New] Introduce a new secondary proxy feature.
  • 🚀 [New] Supports drag sorting of working tabs.
  • 🚀 [New] You can select or unselect a search condition for traffic list.
  • 💪 [OPT] The time threshold for triggering drag is reduced from 500ms to 150ms.
  • 💪 [OPT] Supports mouse wheel to control horizontal layout scrolling.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the generated cURL does not merge cookies.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the Referer header cannot be sent in API requests.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of missing application/x-www-form-urlencoded header in code snippet.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that may crash when exporting P12 format certificate.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that may jump abnormally when selecting a debug list.

v2.3.2 2024-01-08

  • 💪 [OPT] Adjustment of some UI details.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the raw message in the traffic details cannot be code highlighted.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that JSON array type throws an error int code snippet.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the root certificate installed to the current user cannot be recognized.

v2.3.0 2024-01-05

  • 🚀 [NEW] Upgrade the Flutter framework to the latest version 3.16.5.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Use Material Design 3 styles.
  • 🚀 [NEW] 15 code syntax highlighting color options.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Add the application ID column for traffic list.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Context menu for traffic overview URL.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Introduce secondary proxy for SOCKS and VPN modes.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Remote app can control the recording status of the host app.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Allow auto-dismiss the QR code pop-up dialog when the remote device connected.
  • 💪 [OPT] Adjust the proxy port detection logic and automatically change the port number when a conflict is detected.
  • 💪 [OPT] URL syntax highlighting supports universal schemes.
  • 💪 [OPT] Apply URL syntax highlighting for QR code input text.
  • 💪 [OPT] The traffic record in collaborative mode will display domain name instead of IP address.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the urlencode request body may be lost when parsing HAR files.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A failure with non-standard HAR connection fields.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the uppercase encoding value such as GZIP cannot be recognized.

v2.2.1 2023-12-29

  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the status of system proxy indicator icon is not correct.

v2.2.0 2023-12-28

  • 🚀 [NEW] API testing supports splitting merged cookies into multiple ones.
  • 🚀 [NEW] API testing supports opening additional editors to edit cookies.
  • 🚀 [NEW] Remember and restore previous system proxy configuration when exiting the app.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug where some items in the traffic list were sorted incorrectly.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that the application cannot start in some cases.

v2.1.1 2023-12-25

  • 🚀 [NEW] Allow root certificate regeneration.
  • 🚀 [NEW] You can pin application filter and domain filter now.
  • 🚀 [NEW] You can configure interceptors such as rewriting in auto-highlighting.
  • 🚀 [NEW] A shortcut key Alt + Ctrl + ↑/↓ for traffic list, switch browsing history before and after.
  • 🚀 [NEW] A shortcut key Shift + Contrl + I for all list, invert the current selection.
  • 💪 [OPT] API testing reqableId supports displaying in two lines.
  • 💪 [OPT] API testing will automatically fill key-value entries when switching from text.
  • 💪 [OPT] The domain filter list is expanded by default.
  • 💪 [OPT] Slightly increase the size of the diff tool window.
  • 💪 [OPT] The application uses MiSans font by default.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug that it is unable to install root certificate.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug of abnormal display of collaborative QR code when there is no local IP.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A bug that the mirror icon will display incorrectly in some cases.
  • 🐞 [FIX] A debug that interceptor icon color is not highlighted.
  • 🐞 [FIX] The bug where the system shows that the application is tracking the location.

v2.0.0 2023-12-15

  • 🚀 [New] Supports collaboration with Reqable mobile apps.
  • 🚀 [New] Supports importing and exporting pkcs12 root certificate file.
  • 🚀 [New] Supports viewing the currently used root certificate file.
  • 🚀 [New] Diff tool supports header name lowercase comparation.
  • 🚀 [New] Adds a search icon for Code Editor and Hex Viewer.
  • 💪 [Opt] Supports some non-standard proxy protocol messages.
  • 💪 [Opt] Redo traffic overview UI/UX.
  • 💪 [Opt] Redo Websocket UI/UX.
  • 💪 [Opt] Redo styling of settings window option switches.
  • 💪 [Opt] More Certificate menu bar options.
  • 💪 [Opt] Code Editor removes unnecessary padding areas.
  • 💪 [Opt] Reduces drag and scroll speed of Code Editor and HexViewer.
  • 💪 [Opt] Code editor will not lose the currently selection when dragging to expand the selection area.
  • 💪 [Opt] Android certificate setup adds network security configuration guides.
  • 💪 [Opt] Android certificate setup adds certificate file permission tips.
  • 💪 [Opt] Diff tool enables sorting headers by default.
  • 💪 [Opt] New sub windows no longer flicker on startup.
  • 💪 [Opt] Copying API cURL will close the pop-up window automatically.
  • 💪 [Opt] Tips will be displayed in the bottom bar if the current API testing has a proxy setting.
  • 💪 [Opt] Max redirection button will automatically wrap when there is insufficient display space.
  • 💪 [Opt] You can click the cookie list item to edit it.
  • 💪 [Opt] In table mode, long press the cell will copy the key or value.
  • 💪 [Opt] License registration automatically fills in the last email address and license code.
  • 💪 [Opt] Try using SSL SNI as the host of the URL instead of the IP.
  • 💪 [Opt] Adds some prompts in SSL bypass editor.
  • 💪 [Opt] Double-clicking outside the traffic list will automatically close the details panel.
  • 💪 [Opt] Supports Control + L shortcut key to quickly locate the currently selected traffic item.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that unverified license will cause the page to remain in the loading state forever.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that code syntax highlighting may cause content display to be lost.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where URL port number displayed in the traffic list was incorrectly in some cases.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where clicking outside the traffic list may cancel the selected item.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where response body replacement cannot automatically fill the original payload.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that failed to import Postman collection if containing multi-file values.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that failed to open some HAR files.
  • 🐞 [Fix] An infinite loop bug occurs when directly requesting the proxy port.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where the close frame of Websocket was displayed incorrectly.
  • 🐞 [Fix] App may crash when failed to send a POST request.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where the response content may not be updated after sending a request.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug of URL display overflow in API testing explorer.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that the file content is empty when VS Code opens a new script.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that the reset application in settings does not take effect.

v1.6.2 2023-10-12

  • 💪 [Opt] Reduce the number of traffic capture cache files.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The issue of flashing when opening a new window.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug of missing query parameters in rewrite redirection.

v1.6.1 2023-10-09

  • 💪 [Opt] Traffic list application filtering option displays remote device IP.
  • 💪 [Opt] The API editor URL input box will display the historical URL and you can choose to enter it.
  • 💪 [Opt] URL rule wildcard matching.
  • 💪 [Opt] When a lower version application opens a higher version database, it will reset the database instead of reporting an error.
  • 💪 [Opt] The raw message displays the body encoding type.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The API testing tab that is no save prompt after the application is restarted.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that API testing may prompt saving again when a saved API is closed.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that requests in socks proxy mode cannot trigger interceptors such as rewriting, breakpoints, and scripts.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where quotes were not escaped during code generation..
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where some cache files failed to be automatically cleared in incognito mode.

v1.6.0 2023-09-27

  • 🚀 [New] Supports detaching a new window to view traffic data details.
  • 🚀 [New] The middle mouse button can close the Tab.
  • 🚀 [New] The middle mouse button can close the sub-window.
  • 💪 [Opt] Better performance and memory usage.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the script editor cannot open Visual Studio Code.

v1.5.1 2023-09-25

  • 💪 [Opt] The count of free tabs for history and file viewing has been increased from 1 to 2.
  • 💪 [Opt] The pop-up dialog supports the Enter shortcut key to trigger positive button.
  • 💪 [Opt] When saving API collection, the last save path will be used by default.
  • 💪 [Opt] When saving API collection, the host will be used as the name by default.
  • 💪 [Opt] Automatically change the port when MITM proxy port conflict is detected.
  • 💪 [Opt] Python scripts can be directly opened with Visual Studio Code for editing.
  • 💪 [Opt] Automatically merge the Cookie value of the request header when generating code snippet.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that API testing request body compress and prettify did not take effect when actually sent.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that API testing traffic will not appear in the traffic list when following the redirection in debug mode.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that API testing traffic with mirroring is not displayed in the traffic list in debug mode.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that rewriting redirected requests will automatically perform redirection based on the response.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that Reset App in settings is not working.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that caused abnormal composing input in some text fields.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the application info cannot be displayed for requests that have established a TCP connection before capture is enabled.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A Bug where Host header is missing in the raw message.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that causes crash when exiting the app under certain circumstances.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A Bug where proxy protocol cannot be correctly identified in some cases.
  • 🐞 [Fix] Fixed the bug that the system network proxy cannot be automatically disabled after restarting the system and shutting down.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that some devices cannot close the window to enter the background.

v1.5.0 2023-09-21

  • 🚀 [New] Add HTTP request and response diff tool.
  • 🚀 [New] Add JWT decoder in the toolbox.
  • 🚀 [New] API JSON data editing supports one-click compression.
  • 💪 [Opt] Supports Control + W shortcut key to close sub windows.
  • 💪 [Opt] Use name instead of timestamp when exporting traffic history.
  • 💪 [Opt] Raw packet syntax supports JSON and XML highlighting.
  • 🐞 [Fix] In the API testing, the cURL import dialog will not automatically pop up if the command containing WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug of uploading crash and statistic configuration not taking effect.
  • 🐞 [Fix] Space and * in the urlencode of the Python script may cause some servers to fail to correctly obtain the request path.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the main window initial opening position is incorrect.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug causing abnormal size when the window moves between screens with different scales.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where some application information cannot be dumped.

v1.4.1 2023-09-18

  • 💪 [Opt] Traffic list supports drag selection.
  • 💪 [Opt] Traffic list requests and responses are saved with default file names.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that some JavaScript content searches have no results.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that sending a request when the URL contains WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE characters will cause the application to crash.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that cURL export cannot parse commands containing WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE characters.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the HTTP raw data copy content does not correctly handle the CRLF.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug of copying from a rewrite modification rule.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that localhost requests are unresponsive when enabled Loopback.
  • 🐞 [Fix] There is a bug that some devices cannot obtain the system proxy configuration.

v1.4.0 2023-09-14

  • 🚀 [New] Code Snippet supports cURL and Guzzle for PHP language.
  • 🚀 [New] Add Certificate application menu bar.
  • 🚀 [New] Add Raw display for request details.
  • 🚀 [New] Add Automatic Debugging switch in app settings.
  • 🚀 [New] Support reviewing Charles Session files.
  • 💪 [Opt] A prompt pop-up dialog will be displayed when Reqable exits.
  • 💪 [Opt] A prompt will be displayed after dragging unsupported files to the Reqable main window and releasing them.
  • 💪 [Opt] The session content area displays information about file or history opening failure.
  • 💪 [Opt] Opening HAR files no longer filters out CONNECT requests.
  • 🐞 [Fix] Reverse proxy certificate trust issue.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where SSL handshake failure are not displayed.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug in which operations such as deleting, clearing, and editing bookmarks lead to incorrect bookmark selection status.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug in importing cURL that causes the URL parsing to fail due to the --location parameter.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the request cannot be sent due to malformed Content-Type.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug of incorrect application window position and size on certain resolution devices.
  • 🐞 [Fix] SOCKS proxy causing MySql database to be unable to connect.

v1.3.1 2023-09-11

  • 🚀 [New] Support Reverse Proxy now.
  • 🚀 [New] Add Proxy application menu group bar.
  • 🚀 [New] When you paste the cURL into the API testing URL input field, the import cURL dialog will automatically pop up.
  • 💪 [Opt] Cancel the certificate status detection polling mechanism.
  • 💪 [Opt] API query parameters created from the traffic list are automatically URL decoded.
  • 💪 [Opt] The URL displayed in the traffic list removes the display of the default root path /.
  • 💪 [Opt] A new Help button is added to the secondary proxy configuration page.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where expanding the sidebar may cause the gateway, mirror, script, rewrite, and breakpoint to not work.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where clicking the start button might cause the content layout size to jump back to its previous size.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that may cause the CONNECT proxy request status to be displayed as interrupted after the gateway successfully silences the request.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug of incorrect Toast style used in some error prompts.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug of incomplete display of changelogs in the version update window.

v1.3.0 2023-09-05

  • 🚀 [New] Display the application where the traffic from.
  • 🚀 [New] Support filtering traffic according to application in the explorer.
  • 💪 [Opt] When the traffic list is at the bottom, it will automatically scroll if new data appears.
  • 💪 [Opt] The read items in the structure tree are grayed out.
  • 💪 [Opt] Added type icon display in the structure tree.
  • 💪 [Opt] Importing cURL will automatically recognize the JSON/XML type.
  • 💪 [Opt] Explorer UI details adjustment.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the sub-window icon in the taskbar does not display the logo.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that import cURL does not support the --insecure option.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that import cURL escape character is lost.
  • 🐞 [Fix] the bug that cURL syntax highlighting causes the content to be incompletely displayed.

v1.2.5 2023-09-01

  • 🐞 [Fix] Fixed the bug that scripting broken the connection.

v1.2.4 2023-09-01

  • 🐞 [Fix] Fixed the bug that an error was reported when opening the app after updating to version 1.2.3.
  • 🐞 [Fix] Fixed the bug that the name of the opened tab could not be updated synchronously after modifying the name of the capture history.

v1.2.3 2023-08-31

  • 🚀 [New] The traffic list read items are grayed out.
  • 🚀 [New] The traffic history supports configuring the cache duration, which is 7 days by default.
  • 🚀 [New] Traffic history supports renaming.
  • 🚀 [New] Traffic history supports adding/removing stars.
  • 🚀 [New] Query parameter list viewing supports text mode.
  • 💪 [Opt] The way to obtain the system network proxy status is changed from Shell command to API.
  • 💪 [Opt] The traffic list removes gray highlighting and adds teal highlighting.
  • 💪 [Opt] Use the resident daemon process to get the CA root certificate installation status.

v1.2.1 2023-08-28

  • 🚀 [New] SSL bypass supports switch and silent mode.
  • 🚀 [New] Supports adding SSL bypass from traffic list.
  • 💪 [Opt] Automatically changing context menu text color when hovering.
  • 💪 [Opt] The right click of the traffic list supports batch copying of URLs.
  • 🐞 [Fix] An exception occurs when generating python code when the root node of JSON is a list.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that localhost requests will not be displayed when the API test is followed by debugging.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the SSL Bypass requests will not be displayed when the API test is followed by debugging.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the Proxy-Connection header was not removed when sending to remote server.

v1.2.0 2023-08-24

  • 🚀 [New] Apps are signed with EV certificates.
  • 🚀 [New] Added code snippet for API and traffic.
  • 🚀 [New] Added Clear Cache and Reset App in settings.
  • 🚀 [New] Urlencode supports text editing mode.
  • 🚀 [New] Urlencode supports importing and copying concatenated strings.
  • 💪 [Opt] Change version upgrade pop-up window.
  • 💪 [Opt] The UX of expanding the app menu bar.
  • 💪 [Opt] Adding quotes to URL values in generated cURL commands.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the number of checks displayed in the domain filter of the traffic list is wrong.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the request or response cannot continue to execute after the breakpoint window is closed.
  • 🐞 [Fix] Possible duplicate Content-Type header bug in API created from traffic list.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the text display error in the API query parameter text editing mode.

v1.1.8 2023-08-10

  • 🚀 [New] Support API session global settings.
  • 💪 [Opt] Important performance optimization.
  • 💪 [Opt] The storage limit of the database has been increased from 1G to 10G.
  • 💪 [Opt] The traffic history data is stored in compression.
  • 💪 [Opt] Raw body data is automatically prettified.
  • 💪 [Opt] Exiting the program no longer automatically closes the system proxy if Reqable proxy is unset.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the request header in the imported API collection is incomplete.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the API repeatedly adds the Cookie header.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that auto-cookie settings is not working.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that API session shortcut keys are not working.

v1.1.7 2023-08-07

  • 🚀 [New] Support export and import Reqable api collections.
  • 🚀 [New] API editor added Follow Debug shortcut icon.
  • 🚀 [New] The traffic list supports client address search terms.
  • 🚀 [New] Added a button to clear the results in the URL codec tool.
  • 💪 [Opt] Added error message display in the URL codec tool.
  • 💪 [Opt] Cleaning strategy of history cache files.
  • 💪 [Opt] API collection naming and renaming verification.
  • 💪 [Opt] Some input boxes will change the border color after getting the focus.
  • 💪 [Opt] Configure web proxy no longer uses powershell to execute commands.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the remote device sll bypass does not take effect.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug that failed to read some traffic history.
  • 🐞 [Fix] Failed to clean up the websocket cache file after deleting traffic history.
  • 🐞 [Fix] A bug where input auto-completes were lost in traffic search items.

v1.1.6 2023-08-03

  • 🚀 [New] Refactor capture multi-session UX.
  • 🚀 [New] Supports importing API collections of Postman, Hoppscotch, ApiPost and Apifox.
  • 🚀 [New] Support for merging capture records into other session tabs.
  • 💪 [Opt] Improve application startup speed.
  • 💪 [Opt] Automatically clean up expired capture cache files.
  • 💪 [Opt] Bookmark filtering and domain name filtering conditions are changed from and to or.
  • 🐞 [Fix] The bug that the SSL traffic of the remote device is not decrypted when the computer does not have a certificate installed.

v1.1.5 2023-07-31

  • 🚀 [New] Support SSL bypass configuration (right-click the shield icon).
  • 💪 [Opt] MITM proxy is skipped if the certificate is not installed successfully.
  • 💪 [Opt] Remove the limit of 9999 repeats.
  • 💪 [Opt] Server address will also be displayed in the traffic list after the proxy connection fails.
  • 💪 [Opt] License window adds a display of the reason for restriction.
  • 💪 [Opt] Traffic list supports Home/End/PageUp/PageDown shortcut keys.
  • 💪 [Opt] The editor supports Home/End shortcut keys.
  • 💪 [Opt] The method of obtaining the unique ID of windows device.
  • 🐞 [Fix] Wildcard matching algorithm may enter an infinite loop.
  • 🐞 [Fix] cURL format for copying Multipart requests in the traffic list is incorrect.