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Version: 2.21.0


Reqable supports colorful theme settings, you can configure theme in Settings -> Theme:


Reqable supports three modes: light color, dark color and follow the system (that is, use the current mode of the system).

Accent Color

Reqable supports 11 accent colors:

  • Classic (#FCB334)
  • Green (#63BA46)
  • Cyan (#16B2A0)
  • Blue (#057AFF)
  • Indigo (#6064EB)
  • Yellow (#FFC726)
  • Orange (#F7811C)
  • Purple (#963D96)
  • Pink (#F7509E)
  • Red (#E0383E)
  • Graphite Gray (#989898)

Here's the UI in pink:

Code Highlight

Reqable is currently using the Atom One color scheme. If you have other color requirements, please leave a message under this issue.


Reqable currently only supports the following two languages:

  • English
  • Simplified Chinese